What We Do

We offer thorough and permanent mould removal solutions.
Providing clean air and a more breathable home in 3 stages.
Stage 01

Early Detection is the key to preserving your health and finances.

If you suspect mould, an early inspection is vital in preventing health risks and expensive treatment costs when mould is left untreated.

Our certified mould removal technicians will inspect your home comprehensively. We’ll check for existing mould and environments that might encourage growth, such as high moisture levels, leaks, and poor ventilation. After the inspection, we will provide you with a thorough assessment.

Mould grows rapidly, within a 24-hour period. That’s why once you request an inspection, we will dispatch a technician immediately to help you with your issue. Our first step is investigating if you have mould and to what extent. Our staff are trained and experienced in detecting mould and have a series of procedures they will conduct with both the naked eye and advanced equipment. We usually takes minimal disruption to your day.

After your inspection we compile a thorough report.

If a property does not have mould, or preventive measures can be taken by the home/business owner alone, we will tell you. Our inspections are honest. We are not in the business of fabricating issues when there are none to create work for ourselves. It’s one of the reasons customers trust us with their mould concerns.

Stage 02

Mould can present a serious health risk to a home’s occupants. Our trained and qualified remediation experts adhere to strict applied microbial remediation procedures to ensure we leave your home mould free.

Safe, Fast, and Permanent Mould Removal. Our mould removal service can usually be completed within 12-24 hours, allowing you to return to a safe, toxin-free home.

Our two-step process is effective in removing 99.99% of all mould are airborne spores. We remove mould and ensure it never returns, using a trusted two-step process.

STEP 01: Mould Removal

Our technicians remove all visible mould from your property including the following common areas:

  • Kitchens
  • Bathrooms
  • Windows
  • Cornices
  • Floors
  • Walls
  • Furniture
  • Air conditioning Unit
STEP 02: Mould Treatment – Antimicrobial Misting

Once the visible mould is removed, our technicians will perform an antimicrobial processes to eradicate airborne mould spores. After the application, we will test the air for mould neutrality, confirming the findings with you that all evidence of mould has been removed.

Stage 03

By eliminating mould and the environment that causes it, we can provide your home with a long-term solution to prevent reinfection and maintain a healthy, clean-air environment.

The Most Common Areas Requiring Mould Removal

  • Behind and on walls
  • Behund and on ceilings
  • Bathrooms (showers, tiles, toilet seals)
  • Basements
  • Caravans
  • Inside washing machines
  • Laundry areas
  • Carpet
  • All fabrics, including bed and bath linens
  • Interior and exterior wood
  • Interior and exterior concrete
  • Gyprock
  • Clothing and shoes
  • Exterior and interior furniture
  • Window frames
  • Outdoor camping equipment
  • Trailers


Anywhere there’s mould, we serve! That includes all residential and commercial buildings, structures, homes, rental units, retail shops, offices, hospitals, warehouses, construction sites, places of worship, storage facilities, sports facilities, schools, universities, boats, caravans, and more.

Customer Service Matters

Like cancer treatment, mould remediation is one of those businesses that are vitally important but not necessarily loved. In fact, like cancer, if allowed to spread mould can be disastrous for your home. The hazmat suits and masks will do nothing to alleviate your nerves, either. It’s why all our technicians are hired for their professional training and personal qualities. Punctuality, friendliness, and a warm demeanor will help make a stressful situation a little more tolerable

Frequently Asked Questions

Mould associated with damp buildings can trigger nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, wheezing, respiratory infections and worsen asthma and allergic conditions.

People who are more susceptible to these symptoms and other serious health effects include those with:

  • weakened immune systems
  • allergies
  • severe asthma
  • chronic, obstructive, or allergic lung diseases.

You should seek medical advice if you are concerned about the effects of mould.

Mould requires water, food, and oxygen to grow. It also requires an environment with a temperature it can survive.

While mould cannot spread without these conditions, its spores may survive in a dormant state until conditions are suitable.

Temperature: Most mould cannot grow below 40° F.  This is why food is typically refrigerated at 39° F. Mould grows best between 77° F and 86° F, especially if the air is humid.

Water: Moulds thrive in damp, humid, and wet conditions. They require water to grow and spread, which is why it is recommended to keep homes – especially walls and carpets – as dry as possible. Water leaks, flooding, high humidity, and condensation all provide moisture mould can use to grow and spread.

Oxygen: Moulds are obligate aerobes. This means that they need oxygen to survive. Mould grows even at very low concentrations of oxygen, however, which makes it difficult to fight mould growth by limiting oxygen.

Food: Mould grows on materials that it can digest – and it can digest a lot. It can metabolize virtually any organic (carbon-containing) matter in nature, making it impossible to remove all food sources of mould from your environment.

Mould remediation in stores, offices, or schools is best left to the pros. This also applies to household mould exceeding one metre squared.

Homeowners can handle cleaning about one square metre of black mould on their own with a combination of bleach, water, scrubbing, and ventilation.

Before treating mould on your own, prioritise ventilation and protective gear.

Mould removal professionals are trained and equipped to deal with all sorts and sizes of mould growth in the most systematic manner possible. Keeping mould spores contained is tricky for some homeowners. It can be done, but you must have a wide knowledge base of how to remove mould in your home and the right specialized equipment. Correct, clean equipment would be hard to obtain yourself. Aside from cleaning up the mould, mould removal specialists also track down where all the moisture is coming from and come up with a solution to stop excess moisture in the challenging areas. If the mould growth has damaged certain parts of your home, then you can expect the mould removal company to restore or remove those areas as well. When they’re done, your home will be mould-free!

Remove all moulds

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1300 789 129


139 Guildford 2161

Availability 24 hours


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1300 789 129


PO Box 139, Guildford NSW 2161

Availability 24 hours
